Hey Soul-Loves, we have entered a new season filled with transformative energy. We just went through our Fall Equinox (Spring in the Southern Hemisphere), a Super Moon and a portal shift on September 29th, a torrential downfall that created an unexpected flood (if you live in the NYC area) and we are expected to have a Solar Eclipse on October 14th and a Lunar Eclipse on October 28th in North America. How’s that for transformative Energy?! Did I mention that both eclipses are in the energy of Pluto, and Pluto is the planet of destruction? Plus, Pluto goes direct tomorrow, October 10th, clearing away anything outdated and no longer needed.
Wow, that’s a lot!!!
Checking in: How are you doing?
I recently dealt with a flooded basement (not fun). Thankfully, there was very little damage, and I was able to take care of the leak. This incident reminded me of the rush of cold water that abruptly awakened me in 2020, when the roof of my mom’s old house caved in after a horrific rainfall.
During that time, I was experiencing a “dark night of the soul” and knew that my current life structure was about to change. Literally, things were crumbling around me that reflected my inner and emotional world; it was a profound awakening and healing transformation. This time around, the overwhelming rupture in my world informs me that things are about to shift again, reminding me it’s time for me to take care of myself by doing whatever is best for me.
Are you feeling this way as well? A sense of rupture, or an actual one, in your life that has you feeling that things are about to shift?
This is our opportunity to embrace that change. You see, I do believe that things fall apart so we can create a new foundation to build upon.
A stronger, more effective and healthier stable foundation.
I believe that when things are not in alignment, they do tend to crumble.
Floods are often a symbol of feeling overwhelmed, however they can also represent the release of emotions or an opportunity for growth. The “Flood” gives us the push that we need to take a step back from what we are going through and reassess the situation.
Pause and take some time to reflect on this and how it feels in your heart & body. Just reflect, breathe and be aware.